Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park
News Release
For Release: Immediate
Contact: Park Ranger Jennie Jones or Park Ranger Natalie Barber
Phone: 270-358-3137
Abraham Lincoln Birthplace to Host Night Sky Program
Abraham Lincoln Birthplace NHP will be hosting a Night Sky Program Friday, October 7, from 8:00 – 9:30 pm Eastern Time at the Knob Creek Boyhood Home Unit.
Dr. Mark Pitts and Dr. Marco Ciocca from the Department of Physics & Astronomy at Eastern Kentucky University will be conducting the evening activities. The program will begin with a short talk and explanation on the use of star charts to explore the night sky. Visitors will then have the opportunity to view celestial bodies through telescopes provided by EKU. A new moon will allow for dark skies and viewing of fainter objects such as nebulae, clusters, and the Milky Way.
Kids can take their stargazing experience to another level by creating their own universe out of Galaxy Dough and marbles (while supplies last).
Hot apple cider will be provided during the program.
The Knob Creek unit is located 7 miles northeast of Hodgenville, KY on US Highway 31E at 7120 Bardstown Road.
In the event of inclimate weather, the program will be rescheduled for Friday, October 14, from 8:00 – 9:30 pm Eastern Time.
Visitors must bring a flashlight, wear comfortable, appropriate clothing and sturdy walking shoes. Everyone is encouraged to arrive and park before 8:00 pm to “maintain dark skies” for good viewing.
The event is free and open to the public. For questions, call the park at 270-358-3137.
For more information on the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park, visit the park’s website at: http://www.nps.gov/abli or the park’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/LincolnBirthplaceNPS
September 21, 2016
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
2995 Lincoln Farm Road
Hodgenville, KY 42748
(P) 270/358-3137
(F) 270/358-3874